Houston Parole Lawyer

Houston Parole Lawyer

Houston Parole Attorney

Navigating post-conviction matters in Texas’s complex criminal justice system can be overwhelming. Understanding parole eligibility and how to fight unjust parole revocations is something we take pride in at the Hochglaube & DeBorde law firm because our knowledge and tenacity can be your asset. Determining accurate parole eligibility serves as a starting point and source of hope for moving from prison back into society and home to your family. Our firm is grateful for the privilege of helping clients highlight the positives in their lives, the opportunities for success on parole and in life in parole packets we can help prepare for the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles to consider. As a team of best parole attorneys in Houston, Texas, we are dedicated to providing the support and expertise needed to tackle these challenging situations for our clients wellbeing.

houston parole lawyer

While many of our clients come from the Houston area, many come from all over Texas. While it is not necessary to have a representation from a law firm in preparing a parole packet, many incarcerated individuals find it helpful to have assistance navigating the record gathering and advocacy necessary to make sure the Parole Board has the best information about the person being considered for parole, and that the Board is not just relying on whatever the Texas Department of Criminal Justice Institutional Division (TDCJ ID) produces to them in a file.

Some families feel comfortable navigating this process without the aid of a lawyer or law firm, but we at the law firm of Hochglaube & DeBorde, PC are proud of the work we do in helping clients have the advantage of the very best presentation possible. We welcome the input of an incarcerated client’s supporting family members, friends and colleagues in this process. One of the most rewarding things we get to do as attorneys is to help clients highlight their hard work to achieve success and the opportunities, they have for returning to society as a contributing member.

Separate and distinct from the efforts to get out of prison on parole is the parole revocation process. Our firm also proudly and aggressively represents clients facing parole revocation. Due to the complexity of the parole revocation process and parole revocation hearings, it is important to have legal parole representation who can advise you in cases of alleged parole violations.

The law firm Hochglaube & DeBorde can advocate for your rights on parole. Many individuals facing accusations of parole violations are told to waive important hearings or steps in the process. These waivers can be devastating and completely destroy any hope of prevailing in a fight to remain on parole. Parole officers and hearing officers must follow certain rules before they can revoke a person’s parole. Before waiving your rights or confronting a revocation, you should consult a lawyer.

Understanding Parole Review in Texas

The Texas Government Code combined with the Texas Penal Code set out parole eligibility rules. If you have served a sufficient amount of time on a prison sentence for a violation of Texas law, whether that crime was a conviction out of Houston or anywhere else in Texas, you may be eligible for a parole review. In Texas, the review process can begin as early six months before an incarcerated individual becomes parole eligible based on time credit calculations combined with statutory eligibility. Any attorney representing individuals before the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles must be certified to represent clients on parole matters. The attorneys at the law firm of Hochglaube & DeBorde are on file with the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles for parole representation.

Overall, the parole review process can take months depending on the complexity of the case and the administration presiding over the case. As the parole review process nears the end, a person from the parole board will likely come to interview the person being considered for parole. A good attorney can help a client prepare for this interview by going over the details of the case and points which may be worth highlighting, but the attorney will not be present for this interview.

A meeting can be requested by the attorney with the first voting Board member. The granting of this meeting is discretionary and may be granted in person, over Zoom or teleconference or over the telephone. The person under review will not be present for this meeting, but it is a wonderful opportunity for your representative to answer questions a Board member may have or to bring up meaningful points for consideration for the Board. Generally, a person nearing eligibility for parole for convictions out of the Houston area and throughout Texas can expect the following:

  • Notice is given. The Texas Department of Criminal Justice actively monitors to see which individuals in Texas prisons are approaching parole eligibility by keeping track of time credit calculations. Individuals who may receive notice include the incarcerated person or offender, the complainants or alleged victims in a case and prosecutors.
  • An initial interview with the eligible inmate will take place. A parole representative from the Board Office will interview the offender at the prison where they are serving their sentence. The parole representative will write a summary explaining the inmate’s case, including information from their file and outlining their behavior while in custody, which will be sent to the Texas Parole Board.
  • A lead voter, a Board member, from the regional board office, is assigned to the inmate’s case. The lead voter’s task is to review the summary written by the parole officer as well as the inmate’s file and any other materials submitted, including any parole packet or letters.
  • A meeting or telephone call can be requested by your representative, and whether your lawyer is in Houston or anywhere else throughout the State of Texas, they can attend the meeting in person, on the phone or over a teleconferencing application like Zoom if such a discretionary meeting is granted. Often, the remote option or even telephone option, if granted, can provide an opportunity for family members to participate who might not otherwise be able to travel for the meeting.
  • The Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles will make a final decision about the inmate’s parole. The first voting Board member votes and shares his or her vote electronically with the next voting Board member until each of the necessary Board members has voted. fter taking into account material from the interview, as well as analyzing the case file, the Board will release a final decision. Some types of cases require three voting Board members to participate, while others may require more. Finally, a parole vote is not as simple as an up or down vote. Even successful parole grants often require months of transitional requirements in custody before the incarcerated person is actually released. During this time period, the Parole Board may revoke a decision to grant parole if an inmate has behavioral issues or other perceived infractions.

Our Houston based parole lawyers from the law firm of Hochglaube & DeBorde can help walk you through the complex parole review process, advocate for you and advise you on how to put your best foot forward in your interview, as well as guide you as to what paperwork and other materials can be submitted to strengthen your case.

When time allows, we may also employ the use of certain experts to provide reports to the Board and we painstakingly gather whatever materials we can from law enforcement and district attorneys’ offices to be able to present a more accurate assessment of the facts of each case for the Board. Without this important background work, the Board can be left with inaccurate and inflammatory law enforcement accounts of the facts with no counter presentation. Make sure your story is fully and correctly told by engaging lawyers who care about the details and work hard to get them. Why trust your case to the summary law enforcement provided to TDCJ when there is usually so much more to the story?

Important additions to parole packets can include information from people who know you best. We work to assist you on compiling a parole packet to demonstrate a stable and productive life and environment if you are released. While each parole packet is tailored to your particular strengths, a good packet may typically include the following:

  • Letters from potential employers indicating employment or an employment opportunity is waiting for you upon your release.
  • Letters from friends and family demonstrating to the parole board that you have a support system in place upon release.
  • Support letters may include information regarding transportation, housing, employment, and any other information that may be helpful in convincing the parole board you deserve parole.

We have substantial experience assisting clients with their parole packets presented to the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles. We will also take the time to help you understand the process and prepare you to put your best case forward.

What Are the Conditions for Parole in Texas?

Whether your case originated in Houston or anywhere else in Texas, parole monitoring will involve compliance conditions. If a person on parole does not comply with the conditions of parole, the Parole Board will likely seek to revoke that parole and send a person back to prison. For example, as part of parole, individuals are typically required to maintain consistent employment or continue studying with an existing education program.Individuals on parole will have requirements to live at a certain address and are subject to home visits and visits at their places of employment by parole officers. They may also be subject to searches by parole officers. Frequently, they are ordered not to go certain places or have contact with certain individuals and will likely be required to undergo frequent drug and alcohol testing because they are not permitted to possess drugs or controlled substances and are not permitted to possess firearms. There are many other conditions which can be applied.

What If I Am Facing a Parole Revocation in Houston or anywhere in Texas?

Because the terms of parole are stringent and can be difficult to follow, it is not uncommon that offenders may face the possibility of parole revocation. In some parole revocation cases, the offender can be charged with extra offenses on top of their existing one, for which they will go again through judicial proceedings in court as well as before the Board.

If you have been accused of violating your parole, you will likely be arrested and taken back into custody. A hearing will be conducted by a Hearing Officer to hear details regarding the alleged parole violation. The Hearing Officer, which is different than your parole officer will make a recommendation to the Parole Board about whether to revoke parole, and the Board will make the final determination.

Once a Blue Warrant has been issued, or a complaint alleging you have violated your parole has been made, you will likely remain in custody until a hearing can be had. You should consult a qualified and experienced attorney if you are facing parole revocation, and you should be sure to have legal advice before signing any waiver of any sort in this process.

If you are facing parole revocation in Houston or anywhere in the state of Texas, a criminal defense lawyer from our firm can support you throughout the process and help you fight for your rights on parole. Our compassionate team knows how stressful the weight of more potential charges or revocation can be, and we can work with you to minimize the consequences and make sure you have the best possible representation.

Houston Based Texas Parole Lawyer

Call 713-526-6300 for Assistance with Your Parole Packet or Parole Revocation Hearing

Federal parole was abolished many years ago, so if you are seeking federal post-conviction relief, parole is not an option, but you can consult our firm about the possibility of a writ of habeas corpus or other relief. If you are eligible for state parole, we can help you. Based in Houston, the criminal defense team at the Hochglaube & DeBorde law firm assists incarcerated individuals and their families in preparing parole packets and with parole hearings.

If you are coming up for eligibility for parole, or you are already eligible for parole and would like assistance from an experienced Houston based parole lawyer and former prosecutor at a large district attorney’s office, please schedule a free, confidential consultation by calling us at 713-526-6300 or filling out our intake form. Let our parole lawyers help you reach your goals of either obtaining or remaining parole. We care about being a part of your success.

Houston Parole Packets and Parole Revocation Attorney

If you are eligible for parole, the Houston-based criminal defense firm Hochglaube & DeBorde Law Firm can help you. Attorney Nicole DeBorde has years of experience helping individuals prepare packets for parole hearings and avoid parole revocation.

Contact us in Houston regarding your parole eligibility and parole packet preparation. You can reach us 24 hours a day, seven days a week by fax or e-mail or fax.

What is a Parole Packet?

A parole packet (or parole package) is a collection of materials used to demonstrate to a parole board why an inmate is worth the risk of letting out on parole.

Respected and Responsive Parole Hearing Representation

At the Hochglaube & DeBorde Law Firm, we prepare parole packets customized to highlight your specific, unique strengths. We request an in-person or telephone interview with voting parole board members and assist you in compiling a parole packet to demonstrate the stable life and environment that awaits you upon release. When complete, a typical parole packet will include:

  • A letter from the inmate
  • A letter from a prospective employer confirming work that’s awaiting the inmate
  • Letters from friends and family to indicate a support system
  • Support letters related to housing, transportation and other necessities on the “outside”
  • Background information that portrays good behavior

Ms. DeBorde has a wealth of experience helping Texans just like you prepare parole packets and handling appearances at hearings before the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles. Because of the importance of these proceedings, she often counsels that you start preparing as much as one year in advance of your hearing.

Parole Rules Violations

Obedience of parole conditions is critical. If you’ve been charged with parole supervision rules violations, something called a “blue warrant” could be issued. Typically, no bail is available for a blue warrant. Attorney Nicole DeBorde can represent you at the subsequent parole hearing, in Houston, Tx, where alleged violations will be thoroughly reviewed.

Parole Revocation

We assist clients who face parole revocation, providing passionate advocacy to avoid further incarceration. Typical grounds for revocation are:

  • Initial ineligibility
  • An arrest while on parole
  • A violation of a condition of release
  • Evidence of behavior that reflects a continuing danger to society

At the Hochglaube & DeBorde Law Firm, we want you to be able to avoid parole revocation if at all possible.

Contact the Hochglaube & DeBorde Law Firm in Houston

Lawyer and founder Nicole DeBorde wants to hear about your approaching parole eligibility or the details of your parole revocation. For valuable assistance from an experienced parole lawyer and former district attorney, call us today for a free consultation at 713-526-6300. You can also reach us 24 hours a day, seven days a week by fax or e-mail. Se habla español.

Additional Houston Parole Resources

Parole Guidelines – http://www.tdcj.state.tx.us/bpp/parole_guidelines/parole_guidelines.html

FAQs – http://www.tdcj.state.tx.us/bpp/faq/ParolePanelReview.html

Approval and Denial Brochure – http://www.tdcj.state.tx.us/bpp/publications/Approval%20Denial%20Reasons.pdf

Voting Options Brochure – http://www.tdcj.state.tx.us/bpp/publications/Voting%20Options.pdf

Se Habla Español –– For a Free Initial Consultation and Evaluation Please Call Us at 713-526-6300.

Hochglaube & DeBorde, P.C.

Texas Parole Attorneys

Houston based Criminal Defense Lawyer

We would love to be part of your success story. Reach out to our legal parole team today.

Whether you are moving into the parole review process, or you have been charged with violating parole, the legal team at the law firm of Hochglaube & DeBorde is here to support you with our knowledge and experience with the Texas parole process. Contact us today to get started.
